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All posts about Business Insights

4 Min
Lay of the Land: The 7 Company Types In the Market Right Now The crazy growth era we saw in 2021 into 2022 flooded the market with many good, and unfortunately, many… challenged companies.
a group of professional colleagues gathered around a desk listening to a presentation
7 Min
6 Insights On AI in Recruitment From Leaders at Topgolf, Rapid7 & MasterClass AI. Automation. Machines. For all their power, AI’s yet to master that hand-shaking, nice-to-meet-you, let-me-introduce-you-to type of genuine …
7 Min
15 New & Effective Recruitment Strategies To Hire Top Talent in 2024 Every day, there seem to be more efficient and better ways of completing our routine work. Why should the recruitment process be any different?
woman talking to colleagues at a conference table
3 Min
2024 Survey Report Insights: Relationships Matter More Than Ever Recruiting cold calls. AI pitfalls. When it comes to finding the best talent, leveraging relationships comes out on top.
2 Min
Cold Outreach. Automated Emails. AI. Is Networking Dead After All? Take one look at the average email inbox and it’s easy to see how today’s world of business is dominated by automated messages and cold, AI-driven …
4 Min
The 5 Critical Questions To Ask When Hiring Your Next CEO Few decisions hold as much weight and significance as selecting the right CEO or President to lead a company. For startups and growth-stage …
woman professional speaking to colleague at a desk
4 Min
12 Tips On How Candidates & Companies Can Create Financial Stability in Uncertain Markets It’s hard to believe we’re already in the final stretch of Q1. Coming off a tough year, there’s still a mix of emotions and a mix of stages as to …
business woman sitting down at laptop with documents in her hand
2 Min
AI, 3 Ways, Right Now — Bain Capital’s Darren Herman On Ways Businesses Can Implement AI Today Dressed in a sports jacket and sneakers, Darren Herman exudes an air of relaxed confidence as he settles in to share his insights at Hunt Club …
Headshot of Darren Herman, Managing Director of Bain Capital with title of blog
3 Min
Talent In 2024 According to Your Peers, Backed By the Numbers While there is no crystal ball for 2024, the best outlooks are forged together. Here are 8 peer perspectives from leaders in health tech, SaaS, …
2 Min
November 2023 Hiring Trends Update: The Only Way Out Is Through Download the Full Report As we near the end of the year, many of us are still recovering from several market shifts, hiring pivots, and workplace, …
two women shaking hands in an office. overlay with
6 Min
Diamonds in Disguise: The Untapped Potential in Passive vs. Active Candidates Talent acquisition. The bedrock of assembling an exceptional team equipped to take a company where it needs to go. At the same time, it’s an …
business man in foreground interviewing a candidate
3 Min
October 2023 Hiring Trends Update: What We're Hearing & Seeing In the Market Right Now Access the Full Report Our Q3 2023 Market Report explored the seismic shift in leadership mindset from one of a growth-at-all-costs to a more …
Hunt Club branded banner that reads
8 Min
Evaluating Executive Leadership: Thriving or Time To Change? No company wants to part ways with their employees, especially executive team members. Unfortunately, an executive’s drive and skill set won’t always …
Executive working at their computer.
3 Min
Talent Torched on Tech? For the last 15+ years, people flocked to tech with promises of a faster pace, career growth, the ability to innovate and drive impact, and the …
Hunt Club branded banner that reads text:
9 Min
Startup CEO vs. Enterprise CEO: Where the Lines Are Drawn & Where They Blur 10 years ago, top executive talent — CEOs especially — had a firm understanding of exactly where they belonged. Some knew they thrived in a small …
woman in glasses smiling in foreground and male colleague smiling behind her in background while holding a pen and paper
5 Min
Market Report: Leadership Expectations Are Evolving — Get Unstuck From a Growth-At-All-Costs Mindset With a staggering 48% year-over-year decline in U.S. VC funding in Q2 2023, the entrepreneurial ecosystem finds itself at a crossroads, prompting …
4 Min
Grounds For Greatness: How Talent Consulting Helped a Hawaiian Coffee Company Build the Structure To Follow Strategy One series-A startup in the food and beverage industry works with Hunt Club to help them find the perfect blend of talent and build an organizational …
hands typing on laptop with cup of coffee on desk
8 Min
How To Write an Effective Job Description in Today’s Competitive Market In today’s competitive job market where top talent is hard to find and even harder to secure, it’s essential to ensure your job postings stand out …
woman holding and talking on the phone and holding a folder with her other arm
6 Min
Executive Recruiting Costs: A Recruiting Agency vs. In-House Did you know that the average cost of a mis-hire for a company can range anywhere from $17,000 to $240,000?
woman showing work documents to man on computer with the sunset showing through the window behind them
6 Min
From Funding to Flourishing: Guide To Building VC Platform Teams The odds are stacked against entrepreneurs, founders, and startups in today’s world of venture capital. For starters, statistics show that “more than …
woman speaking and raising her hands to two colleagues in the foreground
6 Min
Here’s Why You Need to Build a Digital Team + The 8 Roles to Hire for Innovation From startups to industry giants, today’s biggest success stories all have one thing in common: a business model with an openness to innovation and a …
woman on the phone and using other hand to type on keyboard
3 Min
Is it you? Your CEO? Your leadership team? Or the market?... I asked a few simple questions to our customers and their answers surprised me.
Hunt Club branded banner that reads text:
4 Min
The Surprising Pros and Cons of Competition For Startup Businesses Starting a business is no easy task. It goes without saying that the number of topics you need to be well-informed on if you want your business to …
group of diverse office workers meeting around documents with whiteboard in background
7 Min
10 Essential Recruiting Skills All the Best Recruiters Need To Have Recruiting can be an intensely competitive business — especially if you’re searching for the best talent to fill roles in growing companies. That’s …
female recruiter sitting with laptop and smiling while on the phone
5 Min
The Ultimate Guide to Executive Search Services: How It Works Today, the cost to hire an executive can be in the tens of thousands — and that doesn't even factor in money spent interviewing and screening …
woman with glasses and laptop in front of her interviewing someone in the foreground
5 Min
5 Key Lessons From an Outdoor Enthusiast To Succeed In Any Role From Running a 5k to Climbing Kilimanjaro, How Setting Small Goals Helped Hunt Club’s Customer Success Manager, Elyse Mathos, Build a Mindfulness …
4 Min
Market Report: Embracing the AI Revolution According to Goldman Sachs economists, as many as 300 million full-time jobs around the world could be automated in some way by the use of new …
4 Min
8 Ways Investors Can Help Portfolio Companies Build DEIB Into Their Hiring Strategies Building a more equitable and diverse workforce has been proven to drive better business outcomes and build happier, more productive workplace …
3 Min
Market Report: Talent Trends on Rebalancing the Hiring Market Market Hiring Report February 2023 Recent news has focused heavily on the specific hiring practices of tech’s influential market which represents 3% …
8 Min
What Does a Background Check Show? When you need to fill a job opening at your company, of course, you want only the highest quality candidates for the job. Running a check on a job …
hiring manager conducting a background check on the phone
6 Min
The Pros and Cons of Boomerang Employees The Great Resignation led to a wave of people leaving their jobs for what they perceived to be better positions. However, many job leavers have …
woman in office building looking outside of a window
4 Min
Chicago Tech Titans on 2023 Market Trends Home to more than 20 unicorns and some of the fastest-growing startups in the country, Chicago has rightfully earned its place as one of the hottest …
Speaker at Chicago tech conference
7 Min
Finding a Headhunter: 5 Tips on Choosing a Headhunter for Your Company Hiring top talent for high-level roles is essential to organizations committed to growing and thriving. However, finding, attracting, and negotiating …
6 Min
How a Talent Acquisition Consultant Can Help You Hire You can take two approaches to hiring: The usual approach (scrambling to find a hire for the most current open role) or the proactive approach.
woman standing and smiling in front of two other people and board with notes
6 Min
Understanding the Talent Sourcing Process Companies trying to land top talent know aspects of the recruiting process determine the endeavor’s success (or lack thereof). To ensure your …
group of 5 colleagues meeting and sitting at a table with an open laptop
6 Min
Becoming an Industry Leader: A Step-By-Step Guide Imagine what it would mean for your business if you were the household name in your industry. If your CEO was celebrated for insights no one else …
industry leader leaning against desk
9 Min
How to Calculate the Real Turnover Cost of Your Employees Excessive employee turnover can be expensive for your company — even without the costs, it can cause all sorts of problems (like destroying your …
person sitting at desk calculating turnover cost
2 Min
From Surviving to Thriving During a Change Cycle Tim Kopp, Chairman at Terminus on Navigating a Changing Market and Tips for New CEOs With 20+ years of experience in the industry as the CMO at …
portrait of tim kopp, chairman at terminus
7 Min
Mats Lederhausen on the Power of Systems, Purpose-Driven Talent, and Effective Feedback As an investor, serial entrepreneur, former President of McDonald’s Ventures, and Executive Chairman of Roti, Mats Lederhausen has worked with and …
6 Min
How to Turn Your Parental Leave Into a Competitive Advantage Planning for parental leave can feel overwhelming: the personal to-dos, maintaining your actual job, and putting together a strong coverage plan. In …
pregnant woman smiling and holding her belly
3 Min
What Is Hiring Velocity and Why Is It Essential? The hiring process can be challenging, but understanding your hiring velocity makes all the difference in helping better align on timelines and the …
Man in green shirt smiling with crossed arms
3 Min
Cloverly on How to Hire Passionate Talent & Build Sustainability-Focused Teams It’s no longer enough for a company to list ‘sustainability’ as a core value on paper while making minimal contribution to the aggressive fight …
hunt club and cloverly partner story banner
5 Min
Angel Investing vs. Venture Capital: What Founders Should Know Making the best financial decisions for your growing business or startup requires a clear understanding of the nuances for different financing …
5 business professionals sitting at table reviewing a report on laptop
5 Min
What Makes A Successful Team? Once upon a time, management experts measured productivity in terms of how a single individual performed. Nowadays, teams are the metric whereby …
group of diverse office workers gathered around table and smiling
5 Min
Why Key Talent is Hard to Find in 2021 COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on the American workforce. All too many employees experienced crippling layoffs in the crisis's early days, …
Woman with short hair smiling in front of office shelves
2 Min
The World Has Changed. Has Your Talent Partner? Hiring in this environment is tough.
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